Want to join our fabulous CEE Corporate team? Check back soon for future corporate positions!
To serve as a place where people can earn a living while making a life.
Deploying the most competent, motivated, and unified event teams by unleashing the power of our employees and clients alike.
Through our unique foundation of community and trust we deploy competent, motivated, and unified event teams capable of swift execution, adaptability, and genuine service. Investing in our staff provides a growth platform for our employees and a rich array of talent and skills for clients. Inspiring our staff by example provides clients with unparalleled people-power. All leading to the joy guests cannot help but feel.
“Make their day.”
WE ARE (CEE Culture):
Passionate about our community and events
A myriad of people from different walks, climbs, and aspirations of life.
Love the thrill of challenges out in the “field” at events
Curious to learn on white board and while chatting
Trusting of others and being trusted.
Debaters of process sales pipes, booking mechanics, and hidden tech to master empowering our workforce.
Enjoy working remote in a hoodie that feels just right, and wow-ing clients with polish at events.
Committed that all we do supports our employees in and beyond work.
The partner that helps transform the energy of challenges into joyful fuel.
A generous atmosphere of support and accountability.
Fearless in getting our hands dirty on events.
We take life, how we treat others, and work seriously. In that order. ;)
We are a 14-year business operating in 10 cities and 8 states.
We’re Recovering from covid while also doubling in business.
Thought leader in employee empowerment
Glassdoor overall rating of 4.5 stars out of 5, 93% of employees would recommend.
Certified Minority Owned Business - NGLCC (National Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce)
Nominated for ILEA award: “Putting People First”
Owner lead, employee powered, born in the trenches of events, digital and human company.
Employed over 8,000 corporate and field staff since beginning operations.
From our staff: “They are professional. Kind. Easy to work with and genuinely a great group of people. They have always treated me well and I would choose them over any other staffing agency in NYC”
YOU ARE (The always part, other half per job):
Thrilled by a tough problem others see as unsolvable.
Excited to work alone at times and on site with 100’s on other days.
Steadfast with calendars and schedules and enjoy being the first one there.
Open to learn, open to share.
Driven by long term relationships.
Excited by helping others to succeed and shine.